Reading Along
Since updating to OS X 10.6.6 and having available the new Mac App Store, I have acquired yet another book app: Amazon’s Kindle for Mac. There have been, and are,…
“Press ‘Play’ on that one, and ‘Record’ on that one.”
I heard someone say it today at STV. It about sums up the best of my childhood, that. From copying a rental edition of Empire Strikes Back (later paying for…
The UK has the final stretch of Battlestar Galactica
UPDATE: I have discovered that this post is mostly bollocks, because Sky have been showing the new episodes in this country for weeks (in fact, just four days after the…
Where are the new liner notes?
Last month I took up a free trial of eMusic. This is a service where you pay monthly for an allotted amount of music and audiobook downloads (they don’t carry…
“I’m not a shill, I’m a human being!” or History of an Unread Blog
A reader on Boing Boing going by the name of loraksus accused me of being an EA shill for the post on Spore’s DRM. While I admire the diligence in…
Spore DRM controversy too one sided?
Anyone who knows me (or read the old blog before my host deleted it) knows I hate DRM. I read with interest, then, about the backlash against the heavily-anticipated Will…